a wandering woman writes

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Billy Collins' Long Bebop Solo

I will leave you one more treat, before I drift away to pack my bags. A few weeks ago I had the pleasure to hear Billy Collins read at a private school here in Chicago. He had spent the day working with the schools' young writers and he finished the evening with this poem. With this poem Billy Collins introduced me to Johnny Hartman, a new friend I am just beginning to get to know. If you don't know Billy Collins, listen through. He is seldom headed where you expect.


  • Beautiful.

    By Anonymous Laura, at 4:09 PM  

  • Thanks, Laura.
    I loved the image -- that place jazz from that era takes you no matter where you sit as you listen: the dark, smokey nightclub with stories sitting at every table, many of them alone. And then the poet in the front row blows a beautiful be bop solo, and turns the poem around to a beautiful last line.

    I've just come from discovering Lorca played the piano and sang, and seeing the guitar he was given as a child by his guitar-playing grandmother. He brought the guitar with him when he came to NY.

    Enjoying the intersection of music and poetry today.

    By Blogger Erin, at 9:37 PM  

  • I am so glad to visit this blog. This blog is really so amazing
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    By Blogger TRISHA NELSON, at 5:11 AM  

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